Hair Treatments

Platelet is a component of blood that serves discrete functions in our body. Platelet-rich plasma or PRP, is a concentrate of platelets derived from whole blood, without the red blood cells.
Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is a regenerative procedure in which platelet concentrate and growth factors, derived from one’s own body are injected into the concerned area. PRP treatment is usually done for various hair fall conditions. It is the most sought after natural treatment option for hair fall. Packed with growth and healing factors, platelets attract the critical assistance of stem cells.

Frequently Asked Questions on PRP

What is PRP Procedure?

Around 8 to 10ml of your blood is drawn, fed into a sealed test tube. The blood is then centrifuged in a centrifuge machine in order to separate it into its constituents. This step takes around 20 minutes for completion. Separated plasma is collected in various syringes.

The separated plasma is then injected into the area of concern over the scalp under topical anesthesia. These injections trigger natural hair growth and help in maintaining it by accentuating the blood supply to the hair follicles and increasing thickness of the hair shaft.

There might be slight bruising, pain and redness for the initial 2-3 days but it gradually subsides. There are no other side effects reported to date.

This is very subjective to the patient. However, 5-6 sessions are enough for long-lasting results.

The reduction in hair fall will be noted after 4-6 weeks.

  • Do not take a shower or undertake any activity that might cause you to perspire for at least 5 hours after the treatment.
  • Do not undergo any other hair treatment for a week.
  • Avoid applying any type of hair product for at least 12 hours after the treatment.

No matter the skin, we are here to help so you can walk out feeling like the most beautiful you.