Skin & Face Treatments

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers treatment at Indyu Skin Clinic

Dermal fillers are soft tissue fillers that are injected into the skin to diminish facial lines and restore volume and fullness in the face. When injected into the designated area it fills up the volume and has a plumping up effect. There are many brands and types of dermal fillers available which vary in their composition, longevity, and suitability to various treatment areas.

Frequently Asked Questions on Dermal Fillers

What types of injectable dermal fillers are available?
  1. Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers – products made with manufactured hyaluronic acid designed to act like the body’s own naturally produced hyaluronic acid.
  2. Synthetic fillers – products containing lab-made substances not found naturally in the skin.
  3. Collagen fillers – products made with purified collagen extracted from animal sources or made with synthetic collagen.
  4. Autologous fillers – fat from one’s own body that is surgically removed, treated, and injected into the desired treatment area.

The most popular and commonly-used dermal fillers are those with Hyaluronic acid fillers which are naturally derived and so gradually dissolve over time. Hence HA fillers make you look younger by improving the skin’s contour and sharpening facial features.

  • Plump thin lips.
  • Dark circle treatment (where dark circles have been caused by the hollow bone structure around the eye).
  • Soften facial creases and wrinkles.
  • Improve the appearance of recessed scars.
  • Give a healthier face when you have lost extreme weight.

Dermal fillers are most commonly used as a treatment for facial wrinkles, dark shallow eye circles and for getting the perfect pouts for the lips.

Please do let us know if you are on any blood thinners, or diagnosed with an autoimmune ailment or infection at the site of the proposed treatment or dental work done during the period between your consultation and the day of your procedure. Also, it is best to disclose to your doctor if any procedure, especially fillers have been done previously on your face.

Slight bruising and redness in the injected area for a few days is a common side effect that happens once you have got the fillers. The major issue, however, is the risk of migration of the filler to areas other than the ones targeted and lumping. However, all of these can be reduced substantially at the hands of an experienced dermatologist.

First of all, get yourself injected only by an experienced dermatologist. Avoid taking fillers outside of the medical setting for example at spas or resorts. Also, have a word with your doctor to know and understand what you are being injected with. Do not buy random fillers from anywhere. Always go for US-FDA approved ones.

Depending on the material used, it lasts from 6 months to 2 years.

  • Do not lie down in a way that you compress your face in any direction for 24 hours.
  • Do not vigorously massage the treated area for 24 hours.
  • Avoid workouts, swimming, active sports, excessive sun or heat exposure for 24 hours.
  • Avoid bleach/makeup applicators like sponge and brush for the next 12 hours as it may cause a burning sensation at the points of the needle prick.
  • If you have been injected around the lips, please refrain from applying pressure on the area for 24 hours.
  • In case of any bump, rash or any other observations after the procedure has been done, please inform the facility immediately, so as to enable timely intervention.
  • Application of any medicated creams on the skin to be done only 48 hours after treatment unless told by the doctor.
  • Do not ignore any bluish/ blackish discoloration, if any, thinking it could be just a bruise. Let us decide. Please inform us immediately. Also, let us know if you get boils or pustules on the injected area or anywhere on the face post-injection.

No matter the skin, we are here to help so you can walk out feeling like the most beautiful you.