Hair Treatments


Mesotherapy at Indyu Skin Clinic, Kochi

Mesotherapy is a treatment method that aims to prevent hair loss in men and women, increases the density of hair formation by providing proteins, vitamins and other nutrients into the scalp. This process accelerates the blood circulation in the scalp making the hair follicles healthy. Dermatologists who have years of experience and good knowledge about the hair follicle anatomy, perform the procedure and it is divided into intensive and maintenance phases.

Frequently Asked Questions on Mesotherapy

What is Mesotherapy procedure?
In this process, the tiny micro-injections are given into the scalp every 1 cm and several poly vitamins and growth factors are injected into the hair bulb directly at accurately controlled depth, without having any side effects. A special instrument is used for completing this procedure as it makes sure that the drug is directly given at the target site. This is repeated at an interval of 2 to 4 weeks for around 6 to 8 sessions.
  • It is a relatively painless procedure.
  • It can be started in early cases of hair loss in patients who are not keen on doing PRP or using hair solutions like minoxidil.
  • it’s a safe and nonsurgical treatment for restoring the lost hair.
  • It can also be combined with PRP or hair transplants.
  • The meso solution contains bio-friendly materials such as vitamins and nutrients, therefore it is considered safe.

Scalp mesotherapy helps in stimulating the stem cells and therefore the growth of hair.

  • The therapy helps to increase the flow of blood to the scalp.
  • It also cuts down the loss of hair and revives hair follicles
  • Controls scalp scaling and dandruff.
  • It restores the lost hair or thinning hair.
  • Do not exercise or undertake any activity that might cause you to perspire for at least 8 hours after the treatment.
  • Do not undergo any other hair treatment for a week.
  • Avoid washing your hair or applying any type of hair product for at least 12 hours after the treatment.
  • Expect tiny marks on the scalp, post the treatment from 24 hours to one week. They will eventually fade away, do not pick on them.

No matter the skin, we are here to help so you can walk out feeling like the most beautiful you.